
Showing posts from January, 2016

Want to retire at 45… Don’t!

Most of us, during the drinking session which followed our graduation ceremony, made either of the two statements in a state of drunkenness or otherwise: (a)     I can’t imagine myself working my entire life. I want to enjoy. I will retire the day I make XYZ amount of money (The XYZ varied between lakhs to at max a crore of rupees.) (b)    I can’t imagine myself working my entire life. I will slog my butt off during the initial years and worst case I will retire when I turn 45. Was I one of the many who said either of the two statements as mentioned above? You bet I was. This year I will turn 45 and by God’s grace have been able to exceed the monetary goal that I started off with (Just to think of it, was the goal too unambitious? Didn’t seem at that time though. After all those were the days when even the grandeur film villain Ajit was smuggling gold worth 5 lacs plus minus) but am I even remotely close to hanging my boots? So what happened in these two decades t