
Showing posts from May, 2014

Losing Weight... The Lost Battle

So you are trying to lose weight? What did you say? You have been doing it for a very long time... Trying or losing weight? Well, if it had been the latter then you would still not be doing the former... Stupid of me to ask. But kudos to you and millions of others like you for your perseverance. Even after 'trying' for years (really, it could even be tens of years) people like you don't give up on trying even though you continue to lose the battle but never the weight. Billions of dollars worth of industry has sprung up all because of your die-hard determination to one day sport the six-pack abs. But it never happens. Right? Whatever you do, either the brazen bulge just refuses to budge or it keeps coming back like the dead in the zombie movies. You have tried all types of diets - GM diet, blood group diet, cabbage diet and so many others. Newspapers and Magazines are full of numerous weight loss options like liposuction, U-lipo, weight loss centres, bariatric surge