
Showing posts from January, 2014

Sexual Discrimination... The Future

Sample these News clips just from the last couple of week: The Equal Opportunities Commission in Hong Kong hopes to undertake a study that will "systematically identify the discrimination, harassment and vilification that sexual minorities encounter in the course of their education, employment and social interactions on a daily basis". In Pennsylvania, Officer Melissa Gogel was paid $20,000 as settlement for her sex discrimination case against the city for "being denied a promotion", "changing her work schedule", "not being allowed to take a government vehicle home". Films are going through "Bechdel Test" to tackle female representation - how many female characters are there? how many are developed beyond being an attachment to the male hero? When someone asked why Dunham’s character in the HBO series, Girls, is seen walking around naked a lot, often when there was no particular reason the story requires it, the question was ter